Thursday, May 26, 2011

ASP .NET 4.0 and IIS 6.0

While doing some work today that involved installing the .NET 4.0 Framework onto Windows Server 2003 then upgrading a web app to use the new framework, I ran into a problem where I would receive 404 Page Not Found errors when trying to load the updated webpages with a browser.  
What I found is that ASP.NET 4.0 doesn't get automatically approved for use within IIS 6.0.  So, to fix, follow the below to allow the ASP.NET v4.0.30319 web service extension

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  2. Expand ServerName on the left
  3. Click Web Service Extensions on the left
  4. Click ASP.NET v4.0.30319 on the right
  5. Click ‘Allow’

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blogger Custom Domain

I finally did it, but getting my own domain name to point to my new Blogger account was way harder than I thought it would be.  Blogger kept telling me that was already redirected to another Blog with an error: Another blog is already hosted at this address!  Some of you may remember my old website that was hosted with Google Pages (later Google Sites) as part of the Google Apps suite of services... I didn't think it would matter, but turns out it does.  Blogger thought it was another Blog!
So, I spent a heap of time searching, and eventually came across this blog post, specifically the part about the Service Recycle Procedure.  As the blogger, nitecuzr says, it seems illogical to disable/enable/disable/enable the same thing over and over again, but it turns out it is what was required to get my custom domain redirection working!
So now, I have my www address directed to my easy to use Blogger account, which in turn is linked to my Google Apps account, which means it's another thing to be consolidated and therefore less work to manage!  Yes!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's my Birthday!

And it's post number 3!  I think this is a new record!
As per usual, I figure that my birthday should be a day just for me, so I took the day off work.  Bec's and I went to pick out new door handles for the house so I'm getting closer to being able to take some photo's of the place!  Can't do the big 'reveal' too early!
Anyway, later on we went to check out Fast and Furious Five.  I was a little disappointed in that it felt like there weren't as many car racing scenes, rather the story line took centre stage.  Not that it was a bad movie... if you liked the other 4 prequels, then you'll definitely like this one.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to non-destructively convert dynamic disks to basic disks

Scenario:  I finally got the chance to upgrade a server from a Windows 2003 Software based RAID 1 (mirror) to a Hardware based RAID array.  The problem that I didn't foresee, is that after breaking the software RAID,  cloning the original disk partitions to the new RAID array using Clonezilla, the Windows installation didn't like the fact that it was now presented with Basic Disks that were in fact still formatted as Dynamic Disks.  After looking for details on the Blue Screen I was receiving on boot, I finally realised what the problem was and this fairly quickly led to the discovery of this blog post...
This method uses a nice little piece of software called TestDisk.  I'm not exactly sure what it does to the partition tables, or what ever is being modified, but it works, and does it very quickly!  
Anyway, I hope that this gets spread around and eventually helps someone out.  

Yet another Blog attempt

So, here I go again, yet another attempt at Blogging.  Except this time, I'm a little motivated to put posts up about the little 'workarounds' etc that I find in my IT Support job.  Every now and then I find little gems that are a great help, so I'll do my best to link you to them.  

My first post is about one that I spent about 3 hours searching for a few weeks ago...